Some time ago Telegram announced it would stop supporting older devices Android. Now, they declared the arrival of a number of updates that are reported to have been available on Android and iOS devices.
One feature that is awaited is the ability to delete messages that have been sent at 3:16 version. Through this new feature, users can delete messages sent within 48 hours. In WhatsApp, the new features present in the beta.
The next feature is presented Telegram is their use of statistical data. Users can find data consumption when roaming, when connected to wifi, or through other connections.
However, there seems to be some special things that are only available for Android users. As quoted from Phone Arena, Wednesday (01/04/2017), in the green robot system, the user can return to the original conversation left position. Not only that, Android users can also find the last downloaded through the sharing window.
In addition, users now have integrated with Google's latest keyboard that Gboard to send and receive files in the form of GIF. While for users running Android OS 7.1.1 Nougat can see the menu conversations most frequently accessed previously.
Some of the latest emoji also reportedly has been available for Android users as cowboy, clown, and sick face. There was no information on whether these features are also available on iOS now or later.